Mall chicken teriyaki recipe is a combination of soy sauce, brown sugar, rice vinegar, ginger root, and sesame seeds. One of the essential ingredients is the teriyaki sauce because it contains a magical essence that elevates any dish into something much more impressive.
A lot of people will argue that this particular chicken dish tastes completely different from what has been served in Asian restaurants with its light sweetness and crunchy texture from the sesame seeds.
Mall chicken teriyaki
Ingredients for mall chicken teriyaki
- 1 whole chicken.
- 400g ginger.
- 1 tbsp sugar.
- 1 tbsp sesame seeds.
- 4 tsp soy sauce.
- 3/4 cup rice vinegar (to be added later).
How to make mall chicken teriyaki?
- Marinate the chicken with ginger, sugar, and sesame seeds for at least 2-3 hours.
- Put a pot of water on the stove and put the chicken in it (remove the skin first). Adding salt and black pepper to taste is a good idea. Cook it until it’s done (cooking time depends on the size of the chicken).
- In a separate pot, prepare a mix of rice vinegar, soy sauce, and some water slowly brings it to a boil, stirring continuously. until sugar completely dissolves, etc…
- Add the cooked chicken to the sauce and stir it well.
- Add the sesame seeds and coat it completely with soy sauce.
- Put the chicken teriyaki back in the simmering pot, add some rice vinegar if needed to cover all of them well.
- Cover with a lid and keep cooking for another 30 minutes (cooking time is totally up to you).
- If you think the chicken teriyaki is looking a bit too “plain”, you can add some onions and mushrooms to it with tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes.
Now that we have the preparation out of the way, we can now talk about what kind of ingredients that you need. The most important thing is to get quality ingredients or else this will not turn out well.
Make mall chicken teriyaki
Cooking notes for about mall chicken teriyaki
- The chicken should be fresh, the meat is white, stays firm to touch, and does not smell.
- The ginger should be plump, firm, and smell good.
- The sesame seeds (while cooking) – Have a lot of small popping actions happening because it gives out better aroma and taste.
- The rice vinegar – Must be fresh and has no smell.
- The white sugar – Must have no smell and it’s not granulated.
- Black pepper should be black, much better than brown.
- If you don’t have rice vinegar, any other white vinegar/cooking wine/sherry will do (vinegar is the secret ingredient).
- I don’t recommend using brown sugar because it tends to crystallize.
Brown sugar should not be used in this recipe
Some questions about mall chicken teriyaki
What are the elements that you can’t have missing from your recipe?
Well, you definitely need fresh chicken and it’s really important that the meat is white, firm to touch, and does not smell. Ginger more than anything else is an essential ingredient for this dish. Make sure the ginger is quite fresh because often supermarkets sell ginger for a very long time which makes it dry and hard – as if it was already rock hard.
See more: Popular creamy garlic chicken recipes
Does it need to be spicy (and what kind of peppers, spices, etc…)?
If the dish is lacking in heat, you can always increase the amount of ginger and spicier sauces. If you’re not a fan of spicy foods, just add more sugar. There are also different types of sesame seeds – they make a big difference.
Is turkey or chicken an acceptable substitute?
No, this recipe is only meant for chicken because everything else does not fit in well together. Turkey is too dry and bland, it won’t taste the same.
Useful knowledge for you: Best chilaquiles with chicken recipes
Can I use red meat instead?
While this recipe was designed for chicken, you can make other variations of this dish – for example, beef teriyaki is very popular in Japan. I’m certainly interested in seeing you try it! Just make sure you’re using fresh ingredients with no smell from the meat.
Can I use duck instead?
It depends on the sauce. If you’re using a very spicy sauce, you might notice that the duck gets softer from time to time. Just make sure to cook the duck for a whole lot of time so it doesn’t get too soft, or else it will fall apart completely.
Can honey and sugar be used interchangeably?
This can be done but it would probably turn out differently in terms of taste, texture, and color.
Honey and sugar can be used interchangeably
Besides you can see Smoked teriyaki beef jerky recipes here
The dish can I store in the refrigerator?
You can eat it directly with cooked rice if you want to save some time. This type of chicken teriyaki never really does well in the refrigerator because a lot of condiments will separate and make it difficult to mix back together. While it might not look as appetizing, you can still enjoy the taste without any problems.
Could I substitute turkey for the chicken in this recipe?
The use of chicken is highly recommended. Turkey is too dry and bland, it won’t taste the same.
What kind of rice should I eat with this dish?
I would recommend adding some soy sauce to your rice so it’s not really sweet enough while you’re eating it, but the dish is still very tasty at the end. I also recommend adding some garlic to the rice which pairs really well with the soy sauce.
Mall chicken teriyaki recipe is a great recipe that is very popular in chains and restaurants. If you want to make this delicious dish at home, we recommend following the exact recipe by using fresh ingredients. If you understand all elements of this recipe, you should be able to make it very easily. This is the perfect recipe to make for any occasion if you have limited time.
Brendan Roberts is a writer, photographer, and editor for Food 4 Kitchen. He is always eager to share useful knowledge with everyone. He graduated with a degree in journalism from Northwestern University in 2016 and now lives with his wife.